1).AGNOSTIC = One who doubt the existence of God
2).ALTRUIS = who works for the good of others.
3).AGONOSTIC = One who thinks that everything is know through god only.
4).AMATEUR = One who learns a subject as a hobby.
5).ANARCHIST = One who is out to destroy government.
6).ARISTOCRACY = A government by the nobles.
7).ATHEIST = One who has no belief in god.
8).BIBILIOGRAPHER = One who writes big books.
9).BUTCHER = One whose business to a slaughter cattle for food.
10).BYGAMIST = One who has two wives.
11).CELIBATE = One who is unmarried.
12).CHRONOLOGER = One who writes the details of transactions which made in a country.
13).CYNIC = One why questions everything.
14).DEFENDANT = One who is sued by the plaintiff.
15).DEIST = One who believes in the existence of god.
16).DETENU = One who detained in custody.
17).EPICURE = One who prefers sensual pleasures.
18).FATALIST = One who Belkin in fate.
19).GLUTTON = One who eats too much.
20).HEDONIST = One who devotes himself to pleasure.
21).HOROLOGIST = One who studies the art of clock making.
22).IMMIGRANT = One who lives in a foreign country.
23).INTESTATE = One why does without a will.
24).ITINERATE = One who journeys from place to place.
25).LACKEY = One who behaves like a servant by always obeying.
26).LEXICOGRAPHER = One who complies dictionaries
27).LIBERTARIAN = One who believes that one should have freedom of expression.
28).LOQUACIOUS = One who talks a lot.
29).LOWBROW = One who has not interest in literature,art etc...
30).MASOCHIST = One who enjoys pain or humiliation.
31).MEDORE = One who is neither intelligent nor dull.
32).METICULOUS = One who is very careful about details.
33).MISANTHROPE =One who hates mankind.
34).MISOGAMIST = One who hates marriage.
35).MISOGYNYIST = One who hates women.
36).MONOMANIAC = One who keeps thinking of one particular thing only.
37).NEOPHYTE = One who is a newcomer.
38).OMNIPOTENT = One who is all powerful.
39).OMNISCIENT = One who know everything.
40).OMNIVOROUS = One who eats anything.
41).PARIAH = One who is not accepted by society.
42).PEDANT = One who exhibits his book learning
43).PESSIMIST = Ones who looks on the dark siding of things.
44).PHILANTHROPIST = One who loves mankind.
45).PLAGIARIST = One who copies from other writers.
46).PLAINTIFF = One who bring a charge against someone in court.
47).POLYGLOT = One who speaks many languages.
48).PRAGMATIST = One who uses common sense.
49).QUACK = One who dishonestly claims to have knowledge and skill, esp. in medicine.
50).RINGLEADER = One who leads others to do wrong or make trouble.
51).SEER = One who can see into the future.
52).STOCKBROKER = One who buys and sell shares for others.
53).STOIC = One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure.
54).THEIST = One who believes in the existence of God.
55).TRAITOR = One who betrays his friends, ruler, country, etc.
56).VAGABOND = One who wanders without settled home.
57).VOLUNTEER = One who works for free.
58).ACROPHOBIA = Pathological fear of high places
59).AFFIDAVIT = A written statement given on oath
60).ALPINISM = Mountain climbing
61).AMPHIBIAN = Living/ Operating on land and water
62).AMPHIBIOUS = Animals that can be live on land and water
63).ANACHRONISM = Comparing modern persons with ancient persons
64).ANONYMOUS = That which is written without name.
65).ARBITRATIONR = One who is appointed by two parties & decide their difference.
66).ARBOREAL = Living in trees
67).ARCHAISM = Using ancient Languages.
68).ARISTOCRACY = The rule by nobels.
69).ARSENAL = A place where weapons are manufactured and stored.
70).AUTOCRACY =Absolute rule by one person.
71).AUTOCRAT = Who exercises absolute power.
72).AVIARY = A building for keeping,rearing and breeding of birds.
73).AUTOCRACY = A government by one.
74).BENEFACTOR = Kindly helper. One who makes a request or endowment.
75).BARBARISM = Mixed Language
76).BUREAUCRACY = A government by the officials.
77).BILINGUAL = Spoken or written in two languages.
78).BLACKBINDING = Kidnapping for selling into slavery.
79).BOYCOTT = Unite to punish a person from association.
80).CALLIGRAPHY = Beautiful writing.
81).CANON = Church law body of principles.
82).CIRCA = About.
83).COLLEGUES = Those who work in the same department.
84).COPY-RIGHT = Exclusive right to publish a book.
85).CRISIS = Turning point of danger or disease.
86).DORSAL = Situated on bank.
87).ECCENTRIC = That which is not placed centrally.
88).ECOLOGUE = Eclogue A pastoral poem.
89).EGOISM = Speaking too much of one self.
90).ENDURING = Long lasting.
91).EPILOGUE = A short speech at the end.
92).ENTHUSIASA = Mercy killing painless death to relieve suffering.
93).EXEMPLARY = Fit to be.
94).EXONERATE = Free from blame.
95).EXPLICIT = Explicit Fully and clearly expressed.
96).EXTINGUISH = To put an end to.
97).FANATIC = One who passes interest in religion.
98).FATALISM = Religion that which believes that god is everything.
99).FEALTHY = Sworn allegance to a lord.
100).FEDUCIARY = Of the relationship between a trustee and his principal.
101).FISSION = Cleaving or splitting into parts.
102).FLUCTUATING = Moving to & fro.
103).FLUX = Continuous change - instability - fusion.
104).FORTISSIMO = Very loud.
105).FRAGILE = Fragile That which can be easily broken.
106).HIERARCHY = Any system of persons or things passed on to other.
107).HOLOCAUST = A sacrifice totally concerned by fire - Devastation.
108).HOMELY = Not beautiful - Unattractive - Plain.
109).HOMOGENEOUS = Things which are of the same kind and of the same dimensions.
110).HOMOLOGOUS =Corresponding having same or similar relation.
111).HOSTAGES = Persons given to another as pledge.
112).HULLABALOO = Clamorous noise or disturbance - Uproar.
113).HYBRID = Anything derived from heterogeneous sources.
114).HYMN = Song in praise of god.
115).HYPERBOLA = Curve with two distinct and similar branches.
116).IDOL = Favorite.
117).ILLEGIBLE = That which is incapable of being read.
118).ILLICIT = Unlicensed - Unlawful
119).INFALLIBLE = Incable of making mistakes.
120).INTRACTABLE = That which cannot be controlled easily.
121).JAYWALK = To cross streets on foot in a careless and dangerous way.
122).LEGIBLE = Capable of being read clearly.
123).LULLABY = A pleasant song sung to send children to sleep.
124).MAGNUM OPUS = A great work of art, particularly literary.
125).MALEDICTION = Evil, vicious speech.
126).MERCANTILE = Of trade and Business
127).MONOTHEISM = The practice of worshipping only one god.
128).MULTINATIONAL = A company having branches in many countires.
129).NOTARY = A public official who makes written statements official.
130).OBITUARY = Notice of a person's death in a newspaper.
131).OLIGARCHY = A government by the few.
132).PANACEA = A remdy which can cure all diseases.
133).PARADOX = Contradictory statement.
134).PATENT = Sole right to make and sell one's own invention.
135).PAUNCH = A man's fat stomach.
136).PENULTIMATE = Last but one.
137).PHILISTINE = Person of material outlook who is indifferent to culture.
138).PIGMENT = The natural colouring mater of plants and animals.
139).PLATONIC = A very close, non-sexual friendship between two people.
140).PLEBEIAN = Of the lower social classes.
141).PLUTOCRACY = A government by the rich.
142).POLYANDRY = The practise of having more than one husband at the same time.
143).POLYGAMY = The practise of having more than one husband or wife at the same time.
144).POLYGRAPHY = A lie-detector.
145).POSTHUMOUS = A child born after the death of its father.
146).PROFILE = A side view of someone's head.
147).PROPELLANT = An explosive for firing a bullet or a rocket.
148).PSEUDONYMS = A pen-name assumed by a writer.
149).PULMONARY = Of or having an effect on the lungs.
150).PYROTECHNICS = The art of making fireworks
151).RED TAPISM = Excessive use of official formalities which causes unnecessary delay.
152).REINSTATE = Put back in a former station or condition.
153).RENAISSANCE = A renewal of interest in art, literature etc.
154).REQUISITION = An official demand or request.
155).RETRIBUTION = A severe deserved punishment.
156).SCAFFOLD = A structure on which criminals used to be hanged.
157).SCEPTIC = Person who doubts the truth of what he is told.
158).SEDENTARY = Done while sitting down.
159).SIMULTANEOUS = happening or done at the same time.
160).SINECURE = Any office with good salary but no work.
161).SMALL FRY = Unimportant people.
162).SNIPPET = A small piece from something spoken or written.
163).SOJOURN = A short stay at a place.
164).STALE = Something which is not fresh.
165).STRATAGEM = A trick to deceive an enemy.
166).STRINGENT = Very strict.
167).SUBCUTANEOUS = Beneath the skin.
168).SUBSIDY = Money paid by a government to make prices lower.
169).SUBVERSIVE = Attempting to weaken or overthrow authority.
170).SYMPOSIUM = Collection of views of several persons on a topic.
171).TABOO = An act which religion or custom regards as forbidden.
172).TECHNOCRAT = A specialist in technology.
173).TERMINATE = Come or bring to an end.
174).THEOCRACY = Government by priests.
175).TIMBER = Wood cut down for building etc.
176).TOPIARY = The art of trimming trees and bushes to decorative shapes.
177).TYRANT = A ruler with complete power who rules cruelly.
178).ULTIMATUM = final proposal of terms given by one party to another.
179).UNANIMOUS = A decision taken by the votes of all.
180).UNDERTAKER = A tradesman who manages funerals.
181).UPSTART = A person who has suddenly risen from low rank to wealth and importance.
182).UTOPIAN = Ideally perfect but impracticable.
183).UXORICIDE = The killing of one’s wife.
184).UXORIOUS = Greatly or excessively fond of one’s wife.
185).VERSATILE = Of many sided ability.
186).VICARIOUS = Done for another.
187).WARREN = A place for breeding or preserving rabbits.
188).WIDOWER = A man whose wife is dead.
189).WINNOW = To separate the husks from the grain.
190).XENOMANIC = A perso n having an excessive attach ment to foreign living.

HOMICIDE = Murder of a human being.
PATRICIDE = Murder of father
MATRICIDE = Murder of mother.
FRATRICIDE = Murder of brother.
SORORICIDE = Murder of sister.
FILICIDE = Murder of son or daughter.
MARITICIDE/VINICIDE = Murder of husband.
UXORICIDE = Murder of wife.
REGICIDE = Murder of the king.
GYNECIDE = Murder of women.
SENERICIDE = Murder of an old man.
HERICIDE = Murder of Lord or Master.
VATICIDE = Murder of Poet.
HOSPITICIDE = Murder of Guest.
AMBICIDE = Murder of friend.
HOSTICIDE = Murder of an enemy.